Key Research Questions

  1. How anthropogenic practices affect hydrogeochemical pathways between the terrestrial and aquatic environments in a Mediterranean watershed
  2. What are the impacts of agricultural land use practices on water quality?
  3. What are the impacts of livestock grazing on water quality?
  4. Identify hydrogeochemical pathways and quantify chemical fluxes between the terrestrial and aquatic environments

Key Research Questions

  1. How grazing affects nutrient (C, N, P) cycling in degraded soils of KRB highlands. What are the impacts of livestock grazing on soil and water quality?
  2. What are the processes controlling aggregation and carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils?
  3. How agricultural practices affect aggregation and carbon and nitrogen sequestration in soils? What are the factors and processes affecting soil (aggregate) formation and degradation?Rates of formation and degradation?
  4. What is the areal extend of soil at threat to degradation?

Key Research Questions

  1. Development of intelligent monitoring system with adaptive sampling frequency - How is high frequency adaptive sampling going to improve the data availability for environmental decision making?
  2. How is high frequency adaptive sampling going to improve the data availability flash flood forecasting?

Key Research Questions

  1. Model parameterization to improve hydrologic and geochemical predictability
  2. Scaling up methodology - what are the uncertainties of parameter estimation at different scales.

Key Research Questions

  1. How is climate change going to affect water availability and management?
  2. Soil sustainability requires long-term social change. What is the best governance paradigm for such a change?
  3. Considering the fact that sustainability demands a mixture of governmental policies, market initiatives and civil-society interventions what are the more appropriate tools and mechanisms for more efficient public participation?